Coming October 31....
This is gonna be huge! Dare I say, will be bigger than Barry's show, in time...
Havent heard the show but read the notes... I doubt gun will be able to keep it up for 7 days a week - he's Manic, so there will be times where he's sleeping 48 hours straight.
But YAY! I don't care about 7 days anyway. Once a week is a treat, any more is an awesome bonus.
BKRS + Witching Hour is fucking A.
I feel terrible now cause of the thing at 1:41 "witch60 I hate my life"
I feel like I am hurting Barry somehow now, when legit I just wanna do my own thing cause I can't be on Barrys show every day or itll be fuckin lame....
Is what it is I guess.
By the way why isn't this place PUG(as in guru)HATE.com, myself included even....
Hey yeah say all us pick up gurus are douchebags (me too if ya don't like me), but nothing wrong with trying to fuck women, ya hate trying to fuck women and I dunno what the deal is.
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Fuck it actually should have been maximusalphakmanly.com but I fucking thought of it after the poll closed. I would've donated like 10 bucks to get that. Best URL ever.
I think if anything this will be good for barry and also good for gunwitch cause gunwitch listener's will listen to barry and also new listener and also older listener's will listen to gunwitch's show. I am interested in going on gunwitch's show and hope i can catch him when he's on and go on.
You're right. You're not the guy who spends his time spamming sites. And neither am I.
But you are the guy who's a virgin. You're the guy who's fat. The guy who's depressed. The guy who doesn't have a job. The guy who was made fun of in high school. The guy who talks about BKRS 24/7 to his only friend. The guy who's sounds more retarded than my 6 yr old nephew. The guy who has 0 social skills.
And while I know Berry likes you -like someone likes a retarded puppy- how does it feel to know NOBODY ELSE in the world outside of that will ever like you?
But hey, at least you don't spam sites.
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That was actually pretty... good. I don't hate on Mr Right, but even MaximusAlphaKManly can get a troll right sometimes.
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STFU you say that like you're fucking amazing. What notable thing have you done Ranger? Not a single thing comes to mind.
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HaHAhAhAHAH, how pathetic!
You are consumed by your jealousy for Barry and it is obvious to everybody that the only reason that you are so happy right now is that you are seeking revenge after being humiliated on his show.
Go back to that other forum you fucking loser!
and speaking of jealous losers....
Your statment is beyond false and you are well-aware of that, very lame attempt of trying to "own" Mr.Right.
Just watch his twitters, Lefty. You know that fader is going to be in the vicinity of a large group of mothers with female children all trying to get thread through needles.
There is a bunch of them starting to stitch now, right on the shitty part of the strip near the Stratosphere.
Vegas mothers take faders posts seriously.
"Has arrived in Vegas bitches!!!! Mothers sew up ur daughters vaginas the f man has arrived"
He still can do anal on them, even with sewn up vaginas, you know.
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I knew
his bootcamp was going to be b/c it said on the LS website.
As for the the
.....I had to use my brain for that one.
Savoy, on his blog, talked about some hour long intro seminar that they will be doing in NYC. I said it was some place, and it gave an address and floor number. So I just decided that since LS is hella lazy, they would run the seminar portion of their BOOTCAMPS from that location, which turned out to be right on the money.
So I went there and got the recording.